Aniya has been exploring soap and skincare since 2022.

It all begins with an idea. Yes, I know I just got started with my business exploration, but I know I am good! Take a chance with me. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more, too. No matter my age let me inspire you. No matter your age you can do anything you put your mind to!

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Let Earth Take Care of The Body

I take every ingredient into consideration. I care about what I put into my soaps, and what I put on my body. I love to be clean and smell good. The quality of my soaps and butters are top quality and handmade by me. Made by a kid, but made for every(BODY).

Pure Essential Oils

Using some of the most favorites by all.


Spices that will melt soul!


Beautiful flowers that make the soaps pop and exfoliate.

Clay & Charcoal

Takes care if the skin and clease.

Oils & Butters

Top butters and oil, but not to greasy.


Some product will contain beewax to harden it up.