
Let’s talk about self-care. It’s not about being selfish, but taking care of your body and making sure you are good to go. You need to make sure you body is healthy, so you can feel happy and healthy!  You, especially, need to take baths. They make you feel clean and comfortable! Eat healthy, brush your teeth, and drink water to keep your body clean and hydrated.  Pamper yourself!  Go get a massage!  Keep your hair clean and healthy. Maybe go to a salon. Make sure you’re happy with your body and what you eat. Make sure you have enough sugars and salts in your body, and of course, enough water! The most important thing is to be HAPPY!  I encourage everyone to find happiness in some way!  Stress is the leading of cause of health problems.  Find something that will help keep you calm like my lavender soap and lavender body butter.

What I do for self-care is make sure that my body is healthy and right. I eat healthy at certain times, take baths everyday, and I also get rest whenever my body needs it. It’s right to take care of me and my body so I can feel comfortable. Everyday I wash my face, brush my teeth, and get ready for school. I go outside and relax in the sun once I’m done. I stare at the trees, mountains, my chickens, and my dogs. They bring me peace. I rarely eat sugary foods even though I want too so bad. Our family also practice having sugar-free weeks, meaning we have no added sugars in what we eat or drank. I’m not going to lie, at first it was so hard, but if you don’t have it anywhere in the house, how can’t you eat it or drink it. Even though it may be tough to take care of yourself, it is important. Self-care may sound easy, but a lot of people don’t take care of themselves. Even if it is a little bit, give yourself some care!


Your Soap Girl,



First Fail :(


A Little About Me…